Prekallikrein Activation and High-Molecular-Weight Kininogen Consumption in Hereditary Angioedema | New England Journal of Medicine
Prekallikrein Activation and High-Molecular-Weight Kininogen Consumption in Hereditary Angioedema | New England Journal of Medicine,Theory-Guided Materials Design of Multi-Phase Ti-Nb Alloys with Bone-Matching Elastic Properties,1/43 Spark 1985 Formula 1 Elio de Angelis Lotus 97T No.11 Winner San-Marin GP Car Model -,An efficient hybrid direct-iterative solver for three-dimensional higher-order edge-based finite element simulation for magnetotelluric data in anisotropic media - ScienceDirect,Recent advances in semiconductor heterojunctions: a detailed review of the fundamentals of photocatalysis, charge transfer mechanism and materials - RSC Applied Interfaces (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D3LF00126A,