Shared metabolic shifts in endothelial cells in stroke and Alzheimer's disease revealed by integrated analysis | Scientific Data
Shared metabolic shifts in endothelial cells in stroke and Alzheimer's disease revealed by integrated analysis | Scientific Data,Unlocking the Therapeutic Potential of Medicinal Plants for Alzheimer’s Disease: Preclinical to Clinical Trial Insights,Different amyloid β42 preparations induce different cell death pathways in the model of SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells | Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters | Full Text,Moschus exerted protective activity against H2O2-induced cell injury in PC12 cells through regulating Nrf-2/ARE signaling pathways - ScienceDirect,Moschus exerted protective activity against H2O2-induced cell injury in PC12 cells through regulating Nrf-2/ARE signaling pathways - ScienceDirect,